Thursday, December 26, 2013

21 Steps To Properly Optimize Your Website For Google Local Search And The New Carousel

Source: eMarketer.

Optimizing your business website and web presence for local search results is the strategy that can really increase your company's customer based and revenue. This is why many entrepreneurs are trying everything they can to make sure they gain a prime spot on Google local results or any other top search engine like Yahoo and Bing.

But, because of the amount of market share, everyone knows that your main focus should always be Google. The only problem is that SEO is getting harder and harder every time the big "G" releases a new algorithm change, and now with the rise of

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The 5 Crucial Elements Your Video Needs To Go Viral: Lessons By Jimmy Kimmel's Worst Twerk Fail Ever Video [Infographic]

Image source:
Updated on September 12.

The freaking disclaimer: These are just one type of strategies you can use to make your YouTube clips to become fan magnets, and even after mastering this techniques it doesn't guaranteed the success of your campaigns.

Ready for some unusual but very effective video marketing lessons that can take a video from zero to over 9 million views in a week. Now, not every clip you upload to YouTube is going to have this potential, the lessons below focus on the type of video Jimmy Kimmel have made in order to get that kind of attention. Plus, when he released the uncut version of the clip, that one when when viral as well, I will talk about that in a little bit, but first you really want to have your videos go viral?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

12+ Amazing Videos About Semantic Search And Its Impact To Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Image source:

I wanted to do a follow up post about the impact of Semantic Search on SEO and digital marketing in general. That's right, they way the web and search is evolving it will impact other type of marketing avenues, specially mobile organic strategies.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Ultimate LinkedIn Marketing Guide For Small Businesses [Videos - Infographics]

Thanks to HubSpot!

It's time to learn together... I've been getting really into learning the ins and out of some of the social networks I'm not so knowledgeable about, like Linkedin.

After taking some intense training and taking advice from top influencers, I decided to share what I've learned, but I want to give you more that just tips and video tutorials, I want to give you a good resource of statistics and information to help you understand this social platform for professionals and business owners as much as you can.

Why LinkedIn For Marketing?

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hashtags: 18 Marketing Tips For Small Businesses [Videos And Infographics]

Image representing hashtags via Flickr!

First you need to know that Hashtags are an important part of the new Semantic Search!

I got inspired to write this short post about hashtags after I read a very good question posted on my friend +John Kellden Google Plus Community by +Grizwald Grim about the right use or strategy behind this little things. I first started using this meta categorization tools in Twitter, where according to social media history and Wikipedia was where they got use for first time in Twitter, but now you see them almost everywhere including Google+, Pinterest, Intagram and soon in Facebook.

I seen many different ways of using them, but after a lot of testing, fails, more testing, and successes I develop my own way of applying this tools in my social marketing and SEO tactics.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Semantic SEO: The Guide For Small Business

Kate Ray's documentary "The Semantic Web&...
Kate Ray's documentary "The Semantic Web" (Wordled by Jim Stauffer) (Photo credit: Chris P Jobling)

Is your website and small business ready for the future of the Search Engines, in particular Google? 

You maybe heard the terms semantic web or search which also are giving birth to a new type of website and content optimization called Semantic SEO. The way the web is evolving is very clear that we already living in that framework, and very soon the way we go about optimizing our Internet properties will change, and after the Google I/O, where the company introduced us to Google Now is very clear that we need to be ready to take our online marketing efforts to a new level, a level that involves:

Friday, May 17, 2013

How To Use Google Plus For Business And Marketing [Hangout Video]

This is a great Hangout event that you will not want to miss, hosted by Online marketing expert +Alex Mandossian where he interviews my business partner Google Plus expert +Yifat Cohen ...

This video presentation is great for local and small businesses looking to learn more about the potential of G+ and how it can be use to market and increase your authority in your industry.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

4 Cool Videos About The New Google Plus Hangouts App [Tips And Resources]

In this year Google I/O the big "G" introduce many new updates to their products, but one that everyone, specially members of Google+ were waiting for was the New Hangout App, which is an app that works on all platforms and brings the magic of human media to everyone not just G+ users.

What The New Google+ Hangouts Cross Platform App Means For Your Business?

There are a lot of things I can think of when seeing the potential that Google just gave to Hangouts with this 0.1 version cross platform interface, but as a business you can start with these few benefits and tips:

Friday, May 10, 2013

Going James Bond On Your Hangouts On Air Shows: The Pros And Cons Video Editing [Infographic]

Google Hangouts On Air
Google Hangouts On Air (Photo credit: stevegarfield)
Yesterday I came across very good post on Google Plus shared by my good friend +Kenneth Manesse Sr. that had a video tutorial on why and how you should edit your Hangouts On Air (HOA) shows to make them more appealing and take the boring factor right of your presentations or interviews.

The content of the post was very good so I decided to share it here, but I promised to write a follow up article in this blog, because I had a lot of extra information I think you should know when it comes on using this strategy.

Friday, May 3, 2013

How To Get More Pinterest Users To Pin Your Blog Posts

Maybe you already heard how good it is for your website traffic to have your content pin on Pinterest. The site give you access to a very responsive audience that can easily be turn into traffic, opt-in leads, and even direct sales.

In this post I gonna give you a few quick tips to make sure your blog posts or articles are pin ready.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

3 Quick Tutorial To Help You Create eBook Covers With GIMP [Videos]

177/365 - Lost in the pages
177/365 - Lost in the pages (Photo credit:

eBooks, reports and white papers are a great way to provide useful information for your audience in a format that is easy to download like PDF... but, one of the main reasons to provide content in format is to use it to build your targeted email list, because a small business owner you should know online or offline, having your own data based of hot prospect is one of the most important aspects of any company.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

How To Choose Better Keywords To Improve Your B2B SEO By Wil Reynolds [Video]

12 Month Search Volume For Django Unchained - ...
12 Month Search Volume For Django Unchained - 02/24/13 (Photo credit: DavidErickson)

There is a lot you can learn from the presentation below by +Wil Reynolds where he talks about choosing better keywords for B2B companies based on on the following:

  1. Rising trends on your industry.
  2. Problems based searches.
  3. New opportunities on your market.

You as a small business owner or marketing manager should make Google Trends one of your main SEO and keyword research tools, because it can help spot any of the three factors I mentioned above.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Podcast Replay: SEO Keyword Research For Small Businesses

seo podcast about keyword analysis
Exactly What I Think About Keyword Analysis! :o)
Below is the replay of a very informative SEO podcast that will teach you what you as a small business owner should know about keyword research.

If you ask my good friend and search optimization expert +David Amerland how important is this task for your search and website optimization? He might tell you that you most stop everything and do analysis required so you know exactly what key-phrases are best for your market and which ones can provide the best responses.

OK, too much chatting, here is the post audio-cast:

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

20 Effective Link Building Tactics By Matt Cutts And From My Love To Google Plus [Video]

Backlinks (Photo credit: ivanpw)

What Matt Knows About Generating Web Traffic?

Well, he knows enough and he knows what works!

In the video below +Matt Cutts answer a question that is usually in the mind of many online marketers, "What are some effective  ways for building quality links?" He provides 13 great tips on that anyone can use, but for many local small business owners, the best option would be to outsource this process so they can keep focusing on operating their business and generating more sales.

Over 65 Videos About YouTube Marketing!

Over 65 Videos About YouTube Marketing!
Save Big During Launch!